Since we’re all on lockdown in Texas.. Posted on March 31, 2020 4:06 pm by Alex Filling in some small holes in the floorboard and adding Kilmat here and there. Upping boost from 7 to 12. New springs installed. Rear of intake modified for remote MAP sensor Motion Raceworks remote MAP mount. Intake removed. Putting her all back together! New Lakewood 70/30 struts Original that came with the Camaro on the left. New strut on right. 📂This entry was posted in 91 Camaro
December 20, 2019 Alex Installing TunerStudio on Raspbian with autostart and push button clean shutdown!NO LONGER SUPPORTED. GO TO THE WIKI AND DOWNLOAD THE LATEST IMAGE. I have removed all notes on how t...Cloud
November 3, 2016 Alex Update on the turbo CamaroGetting close to wrapping her up. All the wiring is being redone by a good friend of mine @ RAR Ra...