Kendrick Automotive, a local shop that builds my engines, has a SF600 Flowbench. They had some software written years back in DOS that would take the values from a SF600, compute various things like Previous CFM and Current CFM (meaning, after porting) and would print out results showing % Gain and then Exhaust to Intake ratio which is awesome to have when designing a custom cam. Well their hard drive with the software decided it was about done working and that was it. No backups. All gone. Well, in the real world, I’m a UNIX Admin/WebLogic Admin/Software Engineer. So I decided it was something I could throw together pretty quick under Linux and built a Port Flow Calculator. Basically the summary above tells you what input it takes. It will generate a printout (see screenshot) of the results that you can give your customer. All heads flowed are saved to a database for later re-printing or reviewing. Its Freeware/Emailware. Basically, if you use it, tell me “Hey Alex, thanks..your stuff works!” and thats about it. If you find a bug, email me and I’ll fix it. It runs under Linux because Windows sucks. Here are a few screenshots. Its just about done. I need to add a small section where you can add your company name to it (second screenshot shows it incomplete) and it will show up on the report, then some minor tweaks. Also a pic of the printout below (yea I know..I should have scanned it.. LOL). I have some dummy data in there so the report might look a little hokey.
Port Flow Calculator Released.