Long time no update..
I’ve had my car at a local shop since I’ve been busy with work and the real world. Previously I had to make room for the intercooler and radiator. The problem was that my turbo hotside from the manifolds to the turbo should have been tucked closer to the engine. Since I did not do that, the wastegate would hit the dual fan setup. Talk about a bummer. That was the biggest issue. So I took my car to a local shop and they basically redid what I fabbed up. Oh well, got me a little closer to getting done. Here are some pics of how the setup looks. As you can see, there is also PLENTY of room for the drivers side alternator mount. I also switched to a Corvette LS2 crank pulley that I need to install. It looks like I took 4 steps forward and 3 back, but actually this was a huge help for me since now everything fits. Next is the TH400 trans.

The TH400 that I need is about $1500 that can hold 1000HP, or from someone I’ve used before its $1900. After watching some Youtube vids on TH400 building and my wife pitching in and buying me two books on TH400 building, I figured I’d get after it and build my own transmission. Right now I have it torn down and am waiting on parts to come in.
First things first..I need a TH400 bracket that I can bolt to a bench. They run about $175. Well I ran across this bench and TH400 bracket for $150.

Then I found this working TH400 core, so I put it on the bench. Looks good next to my toolbox. 🙂 The two books are the ones I’ve been reading.

And here is the TH400 and all its innards.

The above pic..looks like we have a chipped tooth which holds a retaining ring. I think it’ll be ok.

Another small issue. Broken piece off where the trans pan bolts to. I noticed 2 bolts missing but didnt see this until I removed the pan. If I need to, I’ll have this fixed.

Cleaning it off with a pressure washer. Looks ok, but needs to now be cleaned by hand.

Bought new tools for assembly and there’s the case for the TH400.