For Sale/Trade: Cooling Mist Water/Methanol kit *NEW* Posted on December 4, 2019 8:47 pm by Alex Unused Cooling Mist water/methanol kit. Complete kit. Going to switch to E85. Will TRADE ONLY FOR a 6.0 LS block that will clean up .030 over. Cash price $200 📂This entry was posted in Auto Parts For Sale
December 15, 2014 Alex More progress on the turbo setupDid some more work to it. Need to blast the manifolds and have them coated. Next up is the turbo t...
February 10, 2021 Alex Updating PiDash to, PiDash Updater and GPS Time worksHere's a video I put together on upgrading 1.5.3 to Also the PiDash Updater is very close t...Cloud